Research Associate
Adelphi Values Patient-Centered Outcomes

“The training and support at Adelphi has helped me learn a lot about the industry. The role is varied and allows me to work on projects across a range of different disease areas. I have been able to travel to new places for client meetings or to conduct patient interviews.”


Research Associate
Adelphi Values Patient-Centered Outcomes

“The training and support at Adelphi has helped me learn a lot about the industry. The role is varied and allows me to work on projects across a range of different disease areas. I have been able to travel to new places for client meetings or to conduct patient interviews.”


The role of Research Associate is for individuals with an interest in both research and helping understand, measure and communicate the patient’s perspective. Building on a degree in psychology, life sciences or social sciences, this role is for those that would enjoy applying and enhancing their healthcare research skills in a challenging and rapid-moving field. In this role your research will help support clients in the selection, development and validation of patient-reported outcome (PRO) questionnaires that are used in clinical trials or clinical practice to support the evaluation of the patient experience and assessment of treatment benefit.

Best bits

Best bits

“The team I work with are all friendly and sociable and I have made some close friends since working here.”




  • Conduct literature reviews
  • Develop study documents such as protocols, interview guides, consent forms, participant recruitment screeners and demographic forms
  • Prepare and manage submissions to ethical review boards
  • Review existing patient-reported questionnaires and be involved in the modification and design of new questionnaires
  • Partner with recruitment agencies and clinicians to identify and recruit study participants
  • Conduct telephone or face-to-face qualitative interviews with patients, caregivers and clinicians
  • Conduct qualitative coding and analysis
  • Develop statistical analysis plans and report quantitative/psychometric findings
  • Create reports, presentations and regulatory documents that summarise study findings
  • Participate in client calls and meetings
  • Work with a range of clients across a range of therapy areas
  • Develop conference abstracts/posters and journal manuscripts
  • Take part in fun social activities within the team

Key skills


  • Attention to detail
  • Experience using qualitative, quantitative and/or mixed-methodology research methods
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Ability to multitask
  • Good organisational and time management skills
  • Appetite for working in a fast-paced, fun environment
  • Work well within a project team

About Adelphi Values Patient-Centered Outcomes

Adelphi Values Patient-Centered Outcomes is a health outcomes consultancy that works with a wide range of pharmaceutical companies to improve patients’ lives by informing healthcare decisions. The Patient-Centered Outcomes (PCO) team is a global leader in the selection, development, validation and use of Clinical Outcome Assessments (COA) for clinical trials and clinical practice. We support the evaluation of the patient experience and assessment of treatment benefits which put the patient at the centre of drug development.

In the past 12 months we delivered 65 poster presentations at leading health economics and outcomes research conferences such as ISPOR. We were also published over 20 times in peer-reviewed journals. Over the past two years our researchers were typically named as authors on a range of scientific communications including conference posters and manuscripts.

About Adelphi Values Patient-Centered Outcomes

Adelphi Values Patient-Centered Outcomes is a health outcomes consultancy that works with a wide range of pharmaceutical companies to improve patients’ lives by informing healthcare decisions. The Patient-Centered Outcomes (PCO) team is a global leader in the selection, development, validation and use of Clinical Outcome Assessments (COA) for clinical trials and clinical practice. We support the evaluation of the patient experience and assessment of treatment benefits which put the patient at the centre of drug development.

In the past 12 months we delivered 65 poster presentations at leading health economics and outcomes research conferences such as ISPOR. We were also published over 20 times in peer-reviewed journals. Over the past two years our researchers were typically named as authors on a range of scientific communications including conference posters and manuscripts.


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